The following simulator was written specifically for this assignment to demonstrate how Mazesolve's DFS method should work.
You are able to view the path in 2 ways... instantly, or procedurally.
"Procedurally" will show each step of DFS to give you an idea of how to traverse the graph recursively.
Along with that, since it's a visual simulation, it also shows what Mazeshow should show.
You are also able to download mazes and paths generated by it, and they are compatible with the solution executables.
These options don't need explaining, though the "seed" is exclusive to this simulator.
For your program, do
when making your mazes.
Have at it.
Notice some restrictions?
Both width and height have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 20.
This is mainly so this webpage wouldn't get its layout messed up.
If you want to experience the full simulator without restrictions,
click here.